Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen have offered this world a deeply profound, yet fun and simple read in their book, The Marriage App. Marital issues which can seem so complicated, are distilled down throughout the chapters with highlighted pearls of wisdom and points of action (e.g. "When we know what would make our spouse feel loved but dont do it, the message sent is, I really dont care what you want - its not that important to me." pg. 131). OUCH! So simply stated but strikes deep to the core of a million marital issues. I especially liked the stories of real couples with real issues and was able to learn from their mistakes and was built up by the examples of those who were doing many right things over many years (especially Bill and JoAnn near the end of the book). My favorite pearl of wisdom was on page 50, "Strong marriages are not built on personal satisfaction as much as on knowledge, decisions, and sacrifice." This book is full of knowledge and provides a grid through which a couple can make decisions that will build up their marriage. Last, but not least, Paul and Virginia explain and lay out what God intended for us when we say, "I do." No one ever walks down the aisle planning on ending up divorced. This book provides the foundation, practical application and based in reality hope that we can have healthy marriages that weather the sunny days and the storms in life. I wish everyone would read it.
The Lovely Marilyn about The Marriage App